Monthly Capricorn Horoscope Monthly Capricorn Horoscope

Monthly Capricorn Horoscope

Capricorns always like to see personal growth and are always trying to be the best possible versions of themselves.

Now could be a good time to travel before you find that your work life becomes more demanding towards the end of the month.

Your report suggests that there will be a lot of activity for Capricorns before the end of the month, so if you have the time and space to be able to travel now do it before you get too busy.

If you do decide to travel on this new moon, it would be better to stay close to home and not to travel more than 200 miles from your local vicinity.

The positive influence of this new moon for Capricorns will extend for a long time into the future, so remember to harness this positivity and to take it with you into the coming months.

The positioning of the sun and the new moon in this month means that elements in your life including travel, higher education or the media will bring you welcome news and even a lucky break if this is the direction where your career is heading.

Monthly Capricorn Horoscope

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