
These are the terms and conditions for the astrology website This website and all the content that is found here is wholly owned by the company owners and are all subject to copyright laws. The company managing Braighmor Limited, is Global E-Commerce Solutions Korea Co. Ltd.

Please make sure that you read the following terms and conditions carefully before using the website

Our Services

The website offers astrology services for customers which come in three main formats depending on the customer's request. These are a) a live call with one of our astrologers, b) a live chat using the chat function on the website, or c) requesting an astrology report which will be personalised to you and your star sign.

To use these services then customers will need to create an account for which they must create an individual username and password. Customers will also be required to include some of their personal information including their name and date of birth.

To become an astrologer, you must first register your details on our website via the register page, ensure you click the “Astrologer” toggle. The information will be collected and shared with our Astrologer service provider. The Astrology agents will be in direct contact to carry out your onboarding process.


All payments for astrology services on must be made in advance. The services provided on this platform vary from paying per minute or a fixed cost for an Astrologer Report. For this reason, users are provided with a wallet feature where they must top up their balance in order to pay for the services. Each astrologer sets their own price which is visible on their cards for all users. After payments are completed you will see Mysticah on your billing statement.

Please note that all services are subject to availability and will depend on which astrologers are currently available. Astrologers also reserve the right to have Mysticah modify and update their prices at any time without prior notice, so please make sure that you are using the service which is best suited to you.


We accept refunds on for cases where the customer is not satisfied with the service that we have provided. We do everything we can to provide an excellent service to all our customers, but we welcome feedback on areas in which you think we might be able to make improvements.

To request a refund, we ask that customers make a written dispute claim within 14 working days of receiving the service from . Please note that refunds are only issued at our sole discretion.


Once your wallet is topped up, you can request any service from your chosen astrologer. There are three types; a live call, live chat or request a report. As long as the astrologer is available your service will be provided instantly. Both calls and chats are billed per minute and your wallet will be billed accordingly.

When requesting a report from us please take note that this could take up to seven days to arrive. In the event that it has been more than seven days since you requested a report and you have still not received it, please get in touch with a member of our team as soon as possible.

A call or live chat will be scheduled as soon as possible, and this will depend on the availability of the astrologers. A time will be scheduled which will also detail the duration of the call or chat. Both calls and chats are billed per minute, and you will be expected to pay for this service in advance.

Limitation of Liability

You will release from all liability of any loss, damage, injury, or expense that is suffered by you in any way when you use the services on this website. You release and discharge us from all any responsibility or liability for any losses, claims, or demands which may directly or indirectly have occurred as a result of your use of the content.

You indemnify and hold us harmless against any losses financial or otherwise, or unrealising of expectations for any losses consequential or inconsequential of any kind that you may incur as a result of your use of these products and services. You indemnify and hold us harmless against any liability for personal injury, or property damage suffered by you or any third party because of you or a third party’s carelessness or neglect with regards to the content.

Customer Cancellation Policy

Customers can cancel a call or live chat right away if they change their mind, however, if the Astrologer answers and begins assisting you with a service, the billing will commence immediately.

Customers may be able to cancel a report request as long as the Astrologer has not started any work. Generally, if an Astrologer is available, they may commence right away, so we suggest contacting us immediately if you change your mind. We ask all customers to always make sure they are happy with the service they are ordering before doing so.

Customers may cancel their account with us at any time. We reserve the right to terminate the account of any of our customers who we suspect are not abiding by these terms and conditions.

Contact us

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions, please get in touch with us.